Many hardware enthusiasts love to design and create unique cases for their computers. This post showcases the most creative and original case mods.

Unusual computer cases and creative PC case mods from all over the world.
The Great Pyramid PC Case Mod
The case is 7.5 lbs, made from laser cut very high quality black and silver aluminum. Its base is 19×۱۹ and it is 25 inches high. [link]

NES Controller PC Case Mod
Built as a school project by students over in Sweden, this PC case mod was created from painted sheets of Lexan, along with vacu-formed plastic “buttons”, and hand-cut vinyl appliqués to complete the look. [link]

Battlestar Galactica PC Case Mod
Brian Carter, aka Boddaker, has created this beautiful Battlestar Galactica PC case mod. Not only that, but the keyboard and monitor are also modded in the same style to complement it. [link]

Dreamcast PC Case Mod
This unique PC case mod features Sony NEC Blu-ray drive, AMD mini-ITX mainboard with 780G Chipset and ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics, HDMI output, 4GB RAM and 160GB storage. [link]

Half-Life 2 PC Case Mod
Incredible Half Life PC case mod, complete with the rustic look. [link]

Optimus Prime PC Case Mod
Transformers inspired PC case mod is 6 feet 10 inches tall, transforms into a smaller desktop mode, has a seven-inch LCD display on its body, two windows on its chest, Autobot symbols, and even has storage compartments on the legs to hold your mouse and keyboard. [link]

Windows XP Box PC Case Mod
Andy France needed a small Windows XP machine, so he decided to build his “Windows XP Box” in a Windows XP box. The external dimensions of the box are a tiny 243mm x 200mm x 48mm. [link]

Microwave PC Case Mod
The PC guts are crammed inside and a small LCD is bolted to the inside of the door. [link]

Battlefield 2142 PC Case Mod
Oliver Konig, aka Butterkneter, is one of Germany’s top modders. He teamed up with Electronic Arts to produce a mod based on Battlefield 2142 multiplayer game. [link]

Model Porsche PC Case Mod
Built in a 1/6th scale RC 1997 911 Twin Turbo Porsche model, painted in color shifting car paint. [link]

Toaster PC Case Mod
Kitchen Toaster computer mod created by Adam Bertram. [link]

Bender PC Case Mod
Case mod modeled after everyone’s favorite acerbic, beer-swilling, foul-mouthed robot, Bender. [link]

Wall-E PC Case Mod
This amazing PC case mod was created in only 18 days by a Russian modder. [link]

R2-D2 PC Case Mod
PC case mod made by modder Frenkie using an old garbage can. [link]

Porsche Cayenne Wheel PC Case Mod
Computer inside of a wheel created by Russan modder Xoolerа. [link]

Half-Life 2 Logo PC Case Mod
Creative Half-Life 2 PC case mod built by a modder known as “Geno” for a contest. [link]

NES Console PC Case Mod
Nintendo NES console turned into a Windows PC. [link]

Star Wars TIE Fighter PC Case Mod
David Barry’s case mod is a scale model of a Star Wars TIE Fighter, with a computer built right into the cockpit, which doubles as a desk. [link]

Touchscreen BoomboxPC Case Mod
Creative project that combines an old Fujitsu touchscreen tablet PC with Hitachi boombox. [link]

Tumbler Batmobile PC Case Mod
What could be cooler than a computer modded Batmobile? Made from 1/6 scale Batmobile RC model, the windows were cut open for cooling. [link]